
Super Soldier Networking & Support Group Meetings : Date and Time Availability

To request a meeting slot, please fill out this form and submit it.

How to Register for Networking & Support Group meetings:

  •  Choose a networking support group meeting date from the available dates listed on the Super Soldier Networking & Support Group website page.
  • Once you have chosen a meeting date, you will then click on the “Reserve Meeting Date” button, fill out the form and then click send; make sure to include the email address where you would like the Zoom meeting email invitation to be sent
  •  Once the reservation request email has been sent, you will be waiting for an email reply from Super Soldier Coalition confirming or declining your request for entry into that specific meeting on the day requested
  •  There is a limited number of spaces to be filled within every networking and support group meeting, so if there is space within meeting for the date requested, you will receive an email confirming that you have a reservation for one of the online seats available, if there are no available seats, then a declination email will be issued
  • Within the confirmation email, there will be directions on how to purchase an available seat for the meeting date requested. The meeting request confirmation will only be valid and issued after the purchase has been made through the appropriate channels
  •  Once the payment receipt has been received, you will be receiving another email containing the confirmation of payment and approved admission into the meeting requested from Super Soldier Coalition
  •  Meeting attendees will be receiving a Zoom link to the networking and support group meeting about 5 minutes before group session is scheduled to begin
  • If there are individuals located outside of the United States and would like to enroll
  •  into a Networking & Support Group meeting, please email the request to: · [email protected] for details on how to register.

Payment and Cancellation Policy:

  • There is only one payment method currently being accepted for the Super Soldier Networking and Support Group meetings and that payment method is Zelle. Future attendees can navigate to to locate their local financial institutions to verify whether their financial institution belongs to the Zelle payment network.
  • The entrance fee for the Super Soldier Networking & Support Group Meetings will be $25 per meeting.
  • The Zelle account payment information will be given only after a reservation request has been submitted and an online space has been confirmed. The email from Super Soldier Coalition confirming the reservation space will also include the Zelle account payment information details
  • All sales are final. There will be no refunds issued for any missed, canceled, or unable to attend notifications to any Super Soldier Networking & Support Group meetings.
  • If for any reason, Super Soldier Coalition must cancel a networking and support group meeting due to forces ‘outside of one’s control’, there will be a credit issued to all paid meeting attendees for that specific, canceled networking and support group meeting. All the meeting attendees that have had a credit issued will be able to choose from any new, future scheduled networking support group meeting to attend. By enrolling into any new, future networking and support group meeting, this will initiate the reclamation process of the applied credit for that individual.



Rules of Engagement:

  •  The Networking and Support Group meeting environment is an important aspect to be established for the overall wellness of the group. The Super Soldier Coalition organization desires to provide a baseline of behavioral conduct by establishing a trustworthy foundational atmosphere for group members to enable attendees to feel comfortable sharing within an authentic space.
  •  All material and/or any attendees’ personal narratives shared within these meetings should be viewed as confidential due to the nature of the private information being discussed.

  •  Super Soldier Coalition asks that everyone be respectful and sensitive to other being’s feelings, information, and experiences that are being shared amongst attending members of the group.

  •  Super Soldier Coalition asks that all attendees please refrain from utilizing, sharing, or repeating other members’ information and experiences that are gleaned from attending these meetings with others outside of the networking and support group meetings

  •  Integrity is an important quality to bring with you into these networking and support group meetings and is also encouraged. Please represent yourself with integrity and honesty within group meetings, it is greatly appreciated.

  •  Inclusivity is exercised within all networking and support group meetings. It is very important that everyone feels welcome within these group meetings, and Super Soldier Coalition would like everyone to feel emboldened to share their personal stories and experiences with other group members

  •  Professional conduct should be always exercised when dealing with other group members while attending or being involved with networking and support group meetings.

  • Acquaintances and friendship establishment are also encouraged amongst members and these types of relationships should be conducted outside of the networking and support group space.

  • Please remember to keep all discussion topics germane to super soldier/black operations programs/targeted individuals subject matter during networking and support group meetings.

  •  There is a “First Come, First Serve” policy enrollment clause for all individuals who are looking to enroll into a networking & support group meeting.

  • Fun!! We are here to make friends, to feel less isolated, and to be able to share and enjoy communing with other people of like mind and experience companionship for the maximum amount of joy possible

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